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Join us for a special side event during the 6th Conference of Sustainable Healthcare. This side event will take place at Hvidovre Hospital in Denmark, where the focus will be on the hospital’s sustainable solutions in healthcare.
To expand its reach in the recycling industry, Medclair partnered with the Dutch company DeSpray Environmental, part of the Osse Equipment Manufacturing Group. This global partnership has a specific emphasis on the EU and North America.
Listen to CEO Jonas Lundh discuss the advantages and potential drawbacks of the usage of N2O on the Midwivery Wisdom Podcast.
Articles & Publications
‘Cracking’ the environmental problem of nitrous oxide in obstetrics
A potential way to mitigate the impact of nitrous oxide includes the capture and cracking process described by Pinder et. al. They demonstrated that median ambient nitrous oxide levels could be reduced by as much as 81 %. It has been estimated that the widespread use of such systems could cut NHS anaesthetic emissions by one-third.
Mobile Destruction Unit study in Anaesthesia Reports
In a recent UK clinical study where Medclairs mobile destruction unit was used, the median ambient nitrous oxide levels were 81% lower than the baseline when handling nitrous oxide via a low-profile face mask.
Anaesthesia Reports is the official journal of the Association of Anaesthetists. The journal was previously published under the title of 'Anaesthesia Cases'. -
Carbon-neutral babies in the Yorkshire Bylines
“Now the tube that mothers hold and breathe in has got a one-way valve on it. So when they breathe out, it goes into a machine and it’s broken down into nitrogen and oxygen, so it’s not released. Air is 78% nitrogen 21% oxygen, so it’s just released as the gas that’s all around us. It means that patients get the same benefit, but not the planetary damage.” This system, developed by Medclair, led Newcastle hospital to declare the first carbon-neutral baby back in 2021.
New units help to reduce carbon emissions in maternity
University College London Hospitals has moved one step closer to carbon net zero emissions with the installation of six new mobile destructions units across their birthing centre and labour wards. Director of innovation, Luke O’Shea said, “These new mobile destruction units will make a significant difference to our carbon footprint, not only for our patients and staff today, but, fittingly, for the generations to come.”
N2O management - no laughing matter
Our partnership with BeaconMedaes UK, as a sole UK supplier of the CDU, is set to change the way hospitals across the UK manage harmful nitrous oxide gas emissions in a move which is expected to make a huge impact on the NHS’s ‘net zero’ carbon reduction efforts.
For full story, read the January edition of Healthcare Design & Management Magazine. -
Opening Reception at Amager og Hvidovre Hospital
Medclair attended the opening reception at the largest maternity department at the Amager og Hvidovre Hospital in Denmark. This occasion marked a significant milestone as the hospital became the first in Denmark to install and implement a nitrous oxide program with climate-friendly technology, provided by Medclair.
St George’s Hospital harnesses green gas and air
In a UK first, the south-west London teaching hospital is investing in a device dubbed the ‘catalytic converter of gas and air’. The photo shows Vicky Grayson, lead Midwife for St George’s midwifery-led birth unit, with the device, which is made by Medclair - working in partnership with Ultraflow manufacturer BPR Medical - and is part of the hospital’s drive to reduce its carbon footprint.
Hvidovre Hospital becomes #1 in Denmark to install a CDU
With Medclair’s Central Destruction Unit, Hvidovre Hospital in Copenhagen will now collect and destroy over 99% of the exhaled nitrous oxide from the largest maternity department in Denmark. In this department, more than 7 000 babies are born each year and 60–70 % of the labouring women receive nitrous oxide for pain relief.
St George’s Hospital pioneer green tech for dental patients
Dental patients and women in labour at St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust are set to benefit from a new “catalytic converter of gas and air”, which will not only reduce pain for those patients but on the planet as well. St George’s Hospital are the first in the UK to trial their mobile nitrous oxide conversion unit in a dental department, joining their endoscopy and birth unit in using the technology.
Medclair and BPR Medical announce partnership
Medclair and BPR Medical, have signed an agreement that gives BPR exclusive rights to supply Medclair’s mobile destruction units in the UK and Ireland.
Gas and air pain relief goes green
As the Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust moves closer to its commitment to be carbon neutral net zero by 2030, it’s gastroenterology team has become the first in the UK to implement Medclair’s technology within endoscopy.
Industry Recognition
Work environment studies from independent third-parties have been conducted that validate our equipment. It was found that the destruction of nitrous oxide was higher than 99.9%, the noise level was below 35 decibels, and the energy consumption was estimated to be in the range between 3.1 kWh and 14.2 kWh per kg N2O.
Best practices of sustainable healthcare in the Nordics
According to a study made in 2019 by the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, the nitrous oxide destructors in use in Swedish regions purifies between 89-100% of the collected N2O gas. (Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner, 2019).
The energy use of the whole destruction system varies with airflow, the concentration of N2O, and whether the destructor is older or more modern. -
Baby steps to cutting NHS Scotland's carbon footprint
On the day the Scottish government published its strategy for a net-zero NHS by 2040, baby Airlie Autumn Lavery was taking her first breaths in the labour ward of St John's hospital in Livingston.
Newcastle mother uses climate-friendly gas machine in labour
A mother is said to have been the first in the UK to use a so-called "climate-friendly" gas machine during labour.
First mother in the UK to use climate-friendly gas and air during labour
Mum Kaja Gersinska has become the first person in the UK to use climate-friendly pain relief during labour after giving birth at Newcastle’s Royal Victoria Infirmary.
Newcastle Hospitals #1 in the UK to deliver a climate-friendly birth
Newcastle Hospitals become first in the UK to use climate-friendly gas and air during labour .
World's greenest hospital
Medclair is part of Grønnköpingkið, the world's greenest hospital.
The platform is founded by Nordic Center for Sustainable Healthcare for showcasing sustainable healthcare solutions from the Nordics. Our solutions have been implemented at several Nordic hospitals in various settings. -
Why this Newcastle baby is a UK first in efforts to protect the planet
Learn how baby Rosie’s environmentally friendly birth became a milestone for her family and for the NHS.
NHS Going Greener Strategy
Medclair, created the Mobile Destruction Unit (MDU) which was first used in UK public healthcare in September 2021. The technology decarbonises N2O upon exhalation, collecting and breaking the carbon heavy gas into the carbon benign gases nitrogen and oxygen. Page 20-21.
Medclair & BeaconMedaes UK announce partnership
Medclair and BeaconMedaes UK, announces partnership to support the NHS reduce anaesthetic GHG emissions and help hospitals reach net zero. With this partnership, BeaconMedaes UK, will represent Medclair's unique CDU as a direct supplier in the UK.
Medclair & Messer collaborate on analgesic gases solution
Medclair and Messer in collaboration to reduce the environmental impact of analgesic gases while also improving occupational safety for medical personnel.
Medclair & BPR - A collaboration towards a NetZero NHS
Medclair and BPR Medical, have agreed to share technology and product information to help the NHS achieve its aim of reducing nitrous oxide emissions.
Green Plan progress and future
NHS Trusts across England were required to submit a Green Plan outlining their actions and targets on a wide range of sustainability issues as part of the drive toward a Net Zero Carbon NHS. Learn how Medclair became part of this Green Plan.
Birthing centre Newcastle
Bethany, a Midwife, is part of the Newcastle Birthing Centre team that supported the UK’s first mother to give birth using climate-friendly pain relief during labour. Rolling out this innovative technology – a machine that removes and breaks down the harmful greenhouse gas, nitrous oxide, from gas and air given during labour, offers the potential to reduce emissions across the UK, one birth at a time.