Here you find upcoming events with Medclair

EBME Expo, Coventry
In collaboration with our UK partners BPR Medical and BeaconMedaes.

The Sustainable Solutions Conference, London
In collaboration with our partner BeaconMedaes.

Sales and Marketing Expo
Sweden's largest trade fair and meeting place for sales and marketing

Swedish Dental Expo
This event, a collaboration between the Swedish Dental Society, Swedish Dental Trade Association, and Svenska Mässan, serves as a key gathering for the entire dental industry.

Pharmaceutical Medical Gas Testing
The Pharmaceutical Medical Gas Testing refresher and reassessment course has been developed by NHS TSET (the Technical Specialist Education and Training group) and is facilitated by the University of Leeds.

Tour at Hvidovre Hospital
Join us for a special side event during the 6th Conference of Sustainable Healthcare. This side event will take place at Hvidovre Hospital in Denmark, where the focus will be on the hospital’s sustainable solutions in healthcare.

Healthcare Estates Awards 2024
The Healthcare Estates Awards recognise outstanding organisations, teams and individuals in the fields of healthcare engineering and estates & facilities management. They are awarded for work demonstrating surpassing originality, innovation and quality of delivery.

NHS Sustainable Solutions Conference: Building a Greener NHS
This conference will serve as a catalyst for driving transformative change, facilitating the adoption of innovative strategies, and promoting a holistic approach to sustainability, thereby ensuring the long-term resilience and effectiveness of the healthcare sector.

Financial Hearing: Fokusmarknader
Medclair har identifierat tre fokusmarknader som är centrala för framtida tillväxt. Storbritannien, Frankrike och USA. Temat med denna hearing är att klargöra varför dessa marknader är så viktiga.

BSPD Scientific Conference
BSPD have more than 600 members who are committed to raising standards in children’s oral health through specialist practice, teaching, research, guidance and advice, both for the profession and parents.

Ptak Expo Warsaw
Warsaw Dental Medica Show is an industry specialized event held at Ptak Warsaw Expo, the Largest Trade Fair and Congress Center in Central Europe.

At the end of June, Medclair partnering with Messer will attend the Gynécologie suisse in Switzerland.

RCM Conference 2024
This UK-wide annual conference and exhibition is the essential event for all midwives and everyone with an interest in maternity services today.

SAMTIT Kongress 2024
Svensk Användarförening för Medicinsk Teknik och IT är en frivillig sammanslutning av vårdpersonal som ansvarar för medicinteknisk utrustning, IT och utbildning inom sina ansvarsområden.

Michigan Safety Conference 2024
The Michigan Safety Conference is a volunteer organization dedicated to promoting the improvement of workplace safety and health practices in the State of Michigan.

Arab Health Week
Arab Health is the most significant event for the healthcare industry that plays an instrumental role in bringing together regional and international policy drivers, thought leaders, and healthcare professionals through trade and innovation.

Anaesthesia & Critical Care, London
Anaesthesia & Critical Care, London, in cooperation with BPR Medical

Medica, Düsseldorf
The largest international event for the medical industry, Düsseldorf, Germany

Pharmaceutical Medical Gas Testing
Medclair will attend the Pharmaceutical Medical Gas Testing, which is facilitated by the University of Leeds.

New Zealand College of Midwives Biennial National Conference, Christchurch
New Zealand College of Midwives Biennial National Conference in Christchurch, in cooperation with Keyport

CNRD Centre National Ressources Douleur, Paris
CNRD, Centre National Ressources Douleur in Paris, in cooperation with Linde France

Nordic Conference on Sustainable Healthcare, Malmö
An Industry Summit with key European players for green & sustainable healthcare, Malmö, Sweden

Healthcare Estates Conference, Manchester
Healthcare Estates Conference in Manchester, in cooperation with BeaconMedæs

Reproductive Health Conference, Karlstad
Reproductive Health Conference in Karlstad, Sweden