Q&A - Questions & answers
Questions and Answers helps you to find the answers to your questions about Nitrous Oxide and Medclair.
What is N2O, Nitrous Oxide?
It is a colourless non-flammable gas that has significant medical uses. It is a mild Anaesthetic that due to cost, safety and ease of use makes it widely used.
When is N2O used in healthcare?
Nitrous Oxide is a gas with analgesic and anxiolytic properties, it is widely used as treatment during labour, pediatrics treatments, process pains, dental surgery as well as in emergency rooms and other settings where fast, reliable, and harmless relief is needed.
What are the work and environmental concerns of N2O?
Nitrous Oxide is a gas that, if not collected and destructed, has a negative impact on the climate as well as for the staff administering it. N2O is 298 times more potent than CO2 (Carbon Dioxide), hence the need for Nitrous Oxide collection and destruction technology is important.
What types of solutions do Medclair offer?
At Medclair we have developed a technology that can be centrally installed operating several treatment rooms at once as well as a mobile unit that easily can be moved from room to room. We can offer systems for high-flow environment or our own patented low-flow system.
Does Medclair solve all N2O concerns in healthcare?
We address all major concerns regarding patients, work environment and general emissions associated with Nitrous Oxide. We measure, collect, and destruct the gas with our technology.
How effective is the CDU (Central Destruction Unit)?
One single central unit can effectively destruct emissions from 16 treatment rooms, these can be combined to handle even larger volumes. It purifies the collected N2O to a degree of minimum 96 %.
How effective is the MDU (Mobile Destruction Unit)?
The MDU operates at a efficiency level above 99 %. Due to its mobile use, it is easy to move around from patient to patient.
Does Medclair offer a full service commitment?
Yes, contact us for more information on our service commitment to our clients.
How do I contact Medclair for more information?
Our products:
Mobile Destruction Unit
Our state of the art, next generation destruction unit. The MDU is specially constructed to meet the mobile needs of healthcare professionals.
Central Destruction Unit
A leading-edge system designed for large N2O destruction volumes. The CDU system accommodates multiple treatment room setups.
Exhalation Device
A unique patented valve that collects nitrous oxide from the patient's exhalation. The exhalation device is easily handled by the patient himself.
Collection Unit
Collector for nitrous oxide for non-frequent use or fitting in emergency services vehicles. The collectors are reusable and comes in different capacities.
Nitrous Oxide Detector
Sensors for monitoring the nitrous oxide levels in the working environment. The sensors may be wall mounted or used as wearables by the health care professionals.