All midwives deserve a good work environment
Just as every woman has the right to a safe delivery, every midwife has the right to a safe workplace and tools to reduce the climate impact, so they can provide the best possible care to the patients.
Many nurses that work in healthcare settings, particularly midwives are exposed to nitrous oxide. The fact is that a patient being treated with N2O will exhale nearly all the inhaled gas - and this will affect the staff providing care.
Nitrous oxide offers numerous benefits to patients, and is used either as a premixed drug, gas and air, entonox, kalinox etc., or administered with an N2O mixer. The gas is easy to use, works rapidly and the patient is able to breathe on their own and remain in control of all bodily functions. In this way, nitrous oxide mixed with oxygen is a valuable resource for patients who need it, and there are no valid reasons to deny them access to it.
However, nitrous oxide raises concerns for healthcare staff regularly exposed to the gas, since prolonged exposure to N2O may cause health effetcs. In many countries, healthcare professionals are subject to exposure limits, often referred to as threshold limits. These limits dictate the permissible levels of exhaled gas to which staff can be exposed. In order to create a safer work environment, the exhaled gas must be effectively captured and redirected away from areas that could impact the staff.
Fortunately, the Mobile Destructor Unit (MDU) is a great solution, as it effectively converts the nitrous oxide into ordinary room air. The device purifies over 99% of the nitrous oxide entering the system, creating a safer work environment for healthcare staff and significantly reducing the climate impact. We have developed this product because we believe that all healthcare professionals deserve a good working environment.
To find out more about the Mobile Destruction Unit, read here