Medclair & Keyport: Pioneering Sustainable Solutions for NZ Healthcare

Nitrous oxide when mixed with oxygen, commonly referred to as Entonox, Equinox, Kalinox, or laughing

gas, offers numerous benefits to patients. The gas is regularly used throughout New Zealand because it

enables patients to self-administer the gas without monitoring, and its quick onset helps them manage

painful spells while maintaining full motor function. The nitrous oxide remains a valuable asset for pain

relief during labour for those who want and need it.

Greener planet and safer staff

Although this gas offers benefits, it is a challenge to use it safely in the workplace while also

safeguarding the environment from ozone depletion. Furthermore, to achieve New Zealand's net-zero

goal and create a safe environment for health practitioners and New Zealand's wider community, we

need to explore safe and responsible ways to utilise nitrous oxide.

Committed to creating a sustainable future for healthcare in New Zealand, Keyport offers Medclairs'

smart technology to significantly reduce N2O emissions in maternity units. This not only protects

healthcare professionals from potential health risks but also safeguards the environment from this potent

greenhouse gas.

Understanding Nitrous Oxide Risks and Sustainable Solutions

In collaboration with Medclair, Keyport published three informative articles in Midwife Aotearoa, the

official journal of the New Zealand College of Midwives. These articles raise awareness among midwives

about the potential health risks and environmental concerns associated with nitrous oxide use in

healthcare settings. Fortunately, Medclair and Keyport's green and innovative technologies offer effective solutions

to address these very concerns. Read the articles to discover how they're achieving this.

Read the articles in The Midwife Aotearoa NZ:

1st Article, issue 111, page 33:

2nd Article, issue 112:

3rd Article, issue 113:


Recent study: Medclair technology enables climate smart childbirth